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Legal notices

ASSURINCO ASSURANCE VOYAGE – Subsidiary of Chaubet Courtage
122 bis, Quai de Tounis - BP 90932 - 31009 TOULOUSE Cedex
Tel : 05 34 45 04 00
Fax : 05 61 29 82 16
Email :
Website :

Share capital : 1 187 070,00 € - RCS TOULOUSE 839 898 673 -
ORIAS no.: 18 007 806 -
Chaubet Courtage exercises its activities in application of the provisions of article L 520-1 II b of the Insurance Code. The list of partner insurers is available upon request.
Under the control of the ACPR ( 4 place de Budapest - 75436 PARIS CEDEX 9 and intermediary of insurance companies, members of the Médiation de l’Assurance, TSA 50110-75441 PARIS CEDEX 9

Handling of complaints
Your usual contact (customer service representative, specialised representative or administrator) is available to handle your disagreement or dissatisfaction in application of the brokerage mandate that binds you to Assurinco or in application of our terms and conditions of service.
If you disagree with the response provided by your contact or in the absence of response, you have the possibility of sending us your complaint based on the model which may be downloaded (click here), or by email sent to, or by sending it to us by postal mail to ASSURINCO 122 bis, Quai de Tounis - BP 90932 - 31009 TOULOUSE Cedex, so that your request may be examined.

We agree to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within a maximum of 10 working days following receipt.
We agree to give you a positive or negative response within a maximum of two months following receipt of all the elements of your claim.

Only in case of failure of the claim: La Médiation de l’Assurance, Pole CSCA, TSA 50110 75441 Paris Cedex 9 or

Retention of documents:
The documents related to your claim are kept for five years following the date of receipt.

Protection of personal information:
Computer processing of personal information resulting from the services provided by ASSURINCO were the subject of declarations (2004420 V 0) to the CNIL.

Right of access and rectification:
In accordance with the French law “Informatique et Libertés” no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, the User can ask to access the information concerning him which is retained by ASSURINCO, or to have it modified, corrected or deleted, within the framework of the Services offered by the Sites by sending a letter accompanied by a copy of proof of identity and indicating his postal address, to the following address: ASSURINCO 122 bis, Quai de Tounis - BP 90932 - 31009 TOULOUSE Cedex.

Director of Publication
Stéphan Chaubet, Manager

Site Host: OVH SAS with capital of 10,000,000 RCS Roubaix - Tourcoing 424 761 419 00045 APE Code 6202A - VAT No.: FR 22 424 761 419 Registered office: 2 rue Kellermann 59100 Roubaix - France.
